A bee is attracted to a prettiest flower;
A girl is attracted to a sweetest boy;
I am attracted to the heartless you.

Saturday, January 20, 2007

wooo hooo!!!yes!e weekends r here...shall giv a quick update of wat happened in sch if i rememberedXD
mon-hmm.it was raining n it means no flag raising.
tue- i tink i was nearly lateXD
wed- i only remembered reading chinese newspapers during slient reading...
thur-tie day!hv been waiting for this day to come cos ther home econ!not i lyk cooking but i'm so excited over e fact tat we can start cooking!blah,i siao le.cooked egg omlete.(watever) The teacher showed a demostration.when e teacher was cutting e tomatos,e chairman was 'scared'.guess wat,her lover said,'jovina,dun b scared!'n my reply was,'wah,u go guan xin!'=Dwas wif sway...crack e egg.lady luck was probably on my side n my egg came out of e shell nicely=)ther was this red thingy inside e egg but sway removed it.dun worry lar...e teacher say its edible.here comes e bad part-e fire was too big n yea,e egg was chao da!omg!!!haha...
fri-whoooo-hoooo!heard wei jian n ming yang talking duno wat than i turn my head n saw yew cheng!he's in e same class as esther n ming yuan.
sun-ballet lesson...quite ok...thank god i didnt forget my steps aft being absence 4 1 wkXDAt e end of lesson,guess wat?e shanghai auditions r here again!last yr shanghai ppl came to singapore to perform wif us.this yr me n my friends stand lower chances of getting in i tink.anyway,i got in last yr(audition)but didnt perform cos had exams tat yr.audition=more stretching:'(

another wk awaits happiness n sadness...

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