Thursday, March 15, 2007
the best day of my life=DD HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY EVIL TWIN SISTER!!! i'm blogging on e 16 march cos yesterday came bak late than kenna chased away fm com.ha,now since u 2 hv gone out,i'm naughty!(shhhhh!) HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ERIC N YAN BING!!! quick recap on 14 mar went to chinatown...nt time muz leave hse earlier...didnt koe e bus slow than i late.ha,i not onli 1,suay too(met her on e way)was walking at commwealth ave4(i tink) then kailing called n chased me...put bak my hp in my pocket n ran."r ya ready kids?......"alamak,who's tat unknown?so this maths teacher called n asked me wher was i._.RUNNING AT E SHOPS THERE!!!._.btw,i thought it was e discipline mistress=xwent to e heritage centre...spooky it may seem,but nt scary lah...*DUN EVER TOUCH E GOODS on display*my fingers got this funny smell aft tat=xwas at some rooms then featherless chicken went 'baaaa' n e gals (n me) screamed-.- reach sch then decide wher to go. thur15march(HAPPY BIRTHDAY JIE/MEI,CLARRISA N CH0CADDICT!!!) brrr!1 sms received fm 'person name'slpt damn late lahhs.1+am.guess wat,was gazing at e stars up in e sky.they damn shiny okays?twinking...btw,y they twinkle ar?XDthanks to e bad clouds,less stars=(go c tonite yea?actually would hv slpt at midnite but dazedazedaze since i dun daze at stars(i daze at some other things)..anyway,eric told me he dazin at them then i went to look too.btw,nearly forgot to close e windows aft tat... woke up at 6++?!thanks to u jie,daddy left e lights on n i was woken up.yAwN...went bak to slp later... wake up,wat light breafast n wrote journal.suppose to meet yue at 10.30am but ended up at 11.30XD.b4 leave hse,called those ppl who suppose to meet...yy say meet at lot1,called yue tell her change destination but got a NO reply so called bak yy again.btw,when he know he onli guy,he was wtf***.i was'cum help u finish e sentence,wat the fuck!lolx...i met cassie 1st to pass her her belated birthday present.rushed to e lrt station...*spongebob sq pants song*'eh,y u nvr say yy going,he go then i go mah...'._. met yue,feli n yue's cousin at petir... travel to jurong east................................................................ took neos n while decorating,susanna n eric came.took again n went to arcade aft tat.yue played this dance game...ha,if i nvr go n look 4 yy,he's gonna wait 4ever therXD take neos 4 e 3rd time,pullin e guys in but they appeared at e bak lor... went arcade n yue played this machine trying to catch lilo n stitch soft toy.imagine hw much $ wasted but got nthing in e end=xxhalfway,1 of e machine broke downXD ate lunch- went to buy yue's cake.CH0C0LATE cake...then later walked round jurong wif e cakeXD went bak jurong east to chui air con n took neos 4 e 4th time.heyys,i giddy liao cos of e flashXD I LOVE U GUYS!!!muz say,unlike my own class,who start snatchin e neos b4 everything is cut,u guys wait lor n every1 got = amt of neos=DD thank you guys for making this special day e best day i had...all e stress were flushed away...MWARHKX... anyway,still got hell naggings fm e 2 folks.haix...when will this end?! i'm lyk touched 4 this yr's birthday...usually very little ppl remember my but this yr,got so many smses n calls.THANKKKSSSSS!!! btw,any1 scanning e neos?=) muz go c e new timetable folloin e 10 days e new timetable repeat itself 5 times 4 term2 n e hols r here!XD |