A bee is attracted to a prettiest flower;
A girl is attracted to a sweetest boy;
I am attracted to the heartless you.

Thursday, March 08, 2007

no lessons today!cross country!!!

ran 3.5km wif yun min n fiona but later it was onli fiona n me.i bullied her all e way.hahas,the evil in meXD5 ppl-3 boys n 2 gals were e top 20s.*3 cheers!!!*was so damn tired.later every1 had water fight,using e mineral water provided,we poured on each other by surprise.i was soaked fm head to toeXDlater i took 1 bottle n poured some on sjab head.HAHA!!!was damn fun lah,since its so HOT at west coast.hahas.yum min fell when she chased ying zhi n got into muddy mess.care rep took care rep to e toilet to clean upXDcum bak,got wetter.its so fun,try tat when yr cross country comes!later got inter-class game-captain ball.my class scored e 1st goal.final 2-3.lost to 1/3.bored,we went to e playground n played there.so sandy lah,sun yang kept kicking sand at me.later we were sliding down this slide.jonathan found this long rope n tied it to his shoe n pulled down this slide 4 us to slide fm 1 corner to e other.kk,i screamed my heart out cos sili pushed me damn hardXDlater we took empty boxes to sit cos e field muddy.then decided wher to go.jurong east entertainment.but cos we in uniform then every1 had to go home n change.i didnt go,later goin ther,hope can c them!prize presentation.i went to e toilet then when cum bak,every1 gone home.cos bought onli my hp n wallet n no bag,i left my belongings wif suay but she gave my hp to yun min n went off wif my wallet.ARRR!!!no wallet=no ezlink card=cannot go home!she walked bak later to return me.later artricia's grandfather fetched me to jurong east interchange n i took train home.
i'm sun burnt...zaaa!!!my skin is REDT.Ti'm not spared n ther a BIG difference wif my skin colour compared to my fair skin colour.CHAO DA...nt yr muz remember put sun cream.no,if goin escape,muz apply!lolx...
i wonder how much fats burntXD but tink still need lots of excerising.lolx...
if i c fiona online,i c if she can send me e pict!=DD
i wan a camera!!!duno y suddenly wan but actually wan to own 1 to take photos to 4 memory.probably cos my cca IT club last yr-handled cameras!
oh wait,wher e colours?!

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