Saturday, May 05, 2007
ok,shall blog lahs,juz some situations happened in sch... fri-was so slpy,rushed my hw e previous nite.yawn...was stoning in cep...but then,i wasnt e onli 1,every1 was slacking,nt talking,juz starin into thin aft we finished gp discussion,i took off my spec n tried to slp...n didnt koe 1 of our gp members disappeared,gosh,my observation skills r so lan...n later ms seto called me fm my dazed look n i was,huh?without my spe i'm so blur...watever happened,dun wan say,but then its so terrible when..."..."omg,its going to b hell 4 our class since u r breaking.till then,we c hw it goes,it wont go gd... aft sch went to gladys' hse 4 music project.she dance hip hop damn sexy,mind ya,its so n fiona were lyk,u r so much better than our dance teacher.hahas... so its lyk,every1 falling in love... artricia&sy mona&jonathan clinton&(censored) andre&cindy not realli a lot yea?dun wan name all lahs but its lyk,haix.duno hw say lah,i miss tat juz bring bak memories.but then,my memories nt tat so...*gan dong*mayb,it is...memory failing me again... reminds me i muz tel my mum to tel tat teacher in charge tat i'm a BUSY on tat day n tat i wont b able to attend tat concert.but then,any1 wan go watch some cultural concert?by performing arts,but i'm nt performing,whoever free to pei wo kan @ nite then i might consider going... things to do -study -somplete hw -stop talkin tat colourful language |