Thursday, August 30, 2007
YAY! Found the chim gz song i suppose know how play. The teacher play until very PRO. we were like 'wahh' cos its the 1st time she actually played for us to hear. It started off slow...but... |
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
haha...blogging during english lesson-meant to finish the newsmaker project but out group finish le^^ found guzheng blog's url at last!^^ went blog jumping to the seniors' blog...and found this video... BE AMAZED she's 10,china girl, and the song she is playing is a grade 10 song (gz got grade 10?! so whats the highest grade?) kk,cant find the video,pls plus, ms seto caught me in youtube...OO HEYS! bpps' ppl! friday teachers going on course,so dont expect the security guards open gates for us. You know how strict they are right?:( 6I diots' penguins!: and i dont really see the point of returning other than meeting our chinese teachers and maybe cca teachers.(sad lah,our lower pri teachers probably left school le) OH GREAT i waited 45 minutes just to board a bus?! squeezed like sardines in the 2nd bus?! took me about 1h30min just to reach home?! But then, found some solutions... -walk to central instead(Exercise is good for health!) -board any bus that comes by! And, i realised ALL buses got go certain bus stops.(knowing the routes each bus take is VERY USEFUL) -flag taxi haix... does life have to be like this? you think i dont want go home and sleep? why must i be lectured for no reason? |
Saturday, August 25, 2007
shall reply tags,sort of bored now... youmin:heys.maybe we meet on friday then go bpp eat or what...but i think my school ends at 2.30pm,not sure if early,so perhaps i meet you dere:) valerie!:HELLO seniorrrr! punkDEATH:hope u do well too!no lah,i write in perfect english cos i was betting with my friend to see who write longer.hahas... & kristine <3:if i rmb...i'll migh forget=x xuelin:D: heys,dont worry if u fail geog,if u pass yr class tests,shd be able to pass like me last term.u didnt fail badly right?if u know my chem grade...its like so patheric:( wait,i cant find yr tagboard i yr blog... yueniice love Eviltwin: hahas,thanks!yr blogskin is nice too!:)take care!<33 cindy:hellos!thanks!i love yr blogskin...XD Thats all for now... hopefully my wound would be ok by tmr, then can go dance class...already ppon last week le,poning again i feel bad wasting $... |
Friday, August 24, 2007
YAY!No chinese lesson!Was replaced by a survey that lasted for 1h,finished it fast then play com.haha... But i keep pressing the button at the side of the mouse that windows will go back to the previous website,thus had to redo the survery again... Did cip after school.Pulled out weeds.Thats the worst job,really pity those gardeners... Later stepped into the fish pond... Then while washing the spades,we had WATER FIGHT, in conjunction to kailing's birthday:D 1st time cip was so funnn... For once,i scared jon.Ahahahahaha...XD sadly,i won't be watching 'The Inconvenient Truth' cos i have cca that day.Already pon last week and even had to write letter,skipping again will give the teacher a super bad impression... suay lah today,tio that FORM again...i was nearing a term of clean record! Its unforseen that it happened,just hope my letter will convince B.Lim not to enter my name... YOU,yes YOU. you owe me something.not a pen or pencil. I seriously don't understand why you must be like this... maybe a 'sorry' won't work this time...depends ba... |
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
For those who have yet to take your home econs practical test or would take some time later.Heed this advice... No matter how different the colour of your food is(unless your food is chao da) don't ever EVER go add some liquids stuff to make your food to make it look better.DON'T. home econs practical test today... cooked fried rice! but cooked omelette 1st. didn't know that the clock in the kitchen was FAST. i followed my watch. 15 minutes left...i still have not cooked my rice,not even the garlic>< After that the colour looked not right... Added soy sauce...enhanced the colour. teacher came...impressed.(i only practiced once yesterday and screwed up my mum with my panicky actions) tasted... >< > < >< Consequences of trying to cover up...T.T |
Monday, August 20, 2007
guess i'll blog about my life and happenings these days... 16/8(chinese paper),so unlucky.I was walking to school,(opposite school gate) when i tripped and fell. I nearly landed into the drain which that time was dry. Either ways of how i fell-missed a step or stepped on my shoelace or was sleeping while walking.(i slept at midnight trying to chiong art) i tucked my shoelace into my shoe and forgot to tie. But then the shoelace was still tucked in my shoe in the afternoon,so i guess the shoelace was the culprit. My knee kissed the ground and received a present of 2 wounds,cuts on my elbow. I was carrying books in my hands then. Also,i was chionging maths ws in the car,even then,my answers were still wrong. i only know that if bird poo lands on you, you'll get good luck.But for falling,i'm not sure, the care force teacher was saying i'll do well for my chinese paper when i screwed it upT.T 11/8 saturday Supposed to go home to mug for literature but ended up in IKEA, to buy a chair for my mum. When i reached IKEA,i was wondering if that play area,filled with plastic balls was still there. Fact is, its still there! So many years of not playing there and it still existXD i still remember wearing those number tags and submerging myself in the pool of balls. Wish to play there again but i'm overage:( The store was not really crowded so my siblings took turns to stand on the trolley and we pushed each other round the store, bouncing on beds and testing on the chairs. Saw this peanut table which won my attention for it. Too bad my parents did not want to buy since we weren't shopping for study table. Even so,the peanut-table will be placed towards the wall then got space in middle (since peanut is not a rectangle). Also played with the soft toys there,my yellow duck soft toy was from there, unfortunately they don't sell it already. After that me and my sister got lost since we wandered off on our own. Would be visiting IKEA since there are still a lot of furniture needed. table 2.dinner table (current one is not big enough for 5 people to sit and eat together) 3.double-decker bed (wait,where will my old bed go?) Recently the kitchen appliances also broke down, they are probably too tired.Rest in peace and thanks for cooking and keeping the food fresh! The refrigator and microwave broke down. The microwave oven was as old as meXD ![]() ![]() ![]() 15/8 wednesday photos coming up after i photoshoped with them.currently,its 11.16pm,i'm very sleepy...AND THE PHOTOS IS TAKING FOREVER TO UPLOAD! The eve of psle oral. Time really flies,1 year ago,it was my turn to take the paper,2 years ago i told myself,'still got 1 year to study,heck care!' I called my cousin to wish him good luck. me:Whats are you doing now? cousin:trying to finish a maths paper in 40 minutes. me:OO cousin:my friend finished it in 30 minutes and got everything correct! me:wow... Last time i can't even finish a paper in 2 hours 15 minutes... 1 of the saturday had family gathering at a karaoke restaurant. My cousins were singing, while i was down there eating non-stop... After that my cousin realised her daughter was missing... She's only about 1 year old and she's missing?! She sneakily left the room and went to see the fishes swimming in the tanks.(she can run!)So scary... 18/8 saturday Was eating mini melts ice cream(chocolate and rainbow) when 1 parent was '...chocolate bear...' I like that nick.haha... There was this bear making shop show case at united square,to celebrate its 5th birthday.Its so fun,i didn't buy,but looked at the little children making their very own bear right before their eyes,not just buying it off the shelves. 1.choose which type of bear or animal you want(its not fluffy to hug cos there's no stuffings in it) 2.add sounds if you want. 3.bring it to a machine where they help you add stuffings. 4.wash the bearOO(there's brushes and a pedal you step on and air will come out,like water) 5.dress up your bear 6.make birth certificate (place where the person paying won't like to go) for the bear,clothes...ang about $50 |
BURN THE BOOKS! haha... common tests finally over... but then i know i'll probably not do well for some papers.haix... its week 9,time really flies... tags replies! bl4ck 4ng3l:miss ya too!when you want meet up?arrange then let me know:) yueyue:haha,thanks!you too jiayous!love ya!<33 JOVINA<3:thanks!:d dave: thanks!:D JOVINA<3:thanks!:dd yueyue:take care too!<33 ym:hey!thanks!:D HW:thanks for tagging too!take care!:D stitch:thanks!:D gaoxian:get this CLEAR,he's not mine! you 2 timer sia,how can like this?dun hurt their feelings woah!XD haha:i did. youmin: okays!if i ya too!take care n study hard!<33> gaoxian:thanks!:D £riic:thanks!:D Acorns:guess the time is right now...XD bl4ck 4ng3l:thanks,u too!time flies... youmin:okays!hahas...<33 ROU. Yi:hello rou yi! the nice nice nice girl!XD gaoxian:haha,i'm rather lazy to,but will... yue`the evil one:haha,thanks!u take GOOD care too!<33 ym:err... wizardrypendragon: thanks!:D punkDEATH:since common tests now over,say jiayous also no use,hope that you pass with flying colours!:) manda:HELLOS!Cindy says hi to you too!:) tay lin x33:haha,13!lucky you nvr get off at the thirteenth stopXD i'm too lazy to add coloursXD ![]() Since art was on environment and we watched videos of saving Mother Nature,i did this out of boredom today during art lesson-.-ll hahas... |
Sunday, August 12, 2007
My mind is blank blank blank! everything i study is not registered into my head. can even study wrongly-condensation,water molecules rise to atmosphere and condense,become water vapour-.- my parents,they love me so much,father send me to tution despite the distance.mother,she makes drinks in the morning for me,gets me what i want,even though its not a need. oh,they love me so much,they sacrifice so much for me,yet however hard i study,i cant rmb anything. i'll be the laughing stock of my sister,who studies so hard and won the pride of my relatives. I MUST STUDY STUDY STUDY! Even if i die,i,playful-puppy,must at least get a pass for my common tests. other than studies,something else came... its really turning me upside down,like being hung up side down in a dark closet and is being caned,starved. And no one can save you... Maybe i should shut myself from this... |
Saturday, August 04, 2007
saturday! A day that was meant for sleeping... 6.45am alarm ring le. i used quite a lot of alarms to wake me up de.other than the telephone... went to school today for some talk. Only me and fiona from 1/7 went... other than listening to the talk, both of us stuffed ourselves.XD after the talk me and fiona walk around the school, looking for a exit. The cleaners locked almost every entrance except the staircase next to the hod ma fan... arguh,have not started on my hw yet. i really ought not to use the computer so often and manage my time better... I MUST -do my hw MYSELF and not copy from others! -revise for tests and not go school then study! -go home earlier! -sleep earlier! -do theory homework myself.(had been copying from my sister's book since grade 1.shhhh) really cannot slack le... |
Friday, August 03, 2007
i'm sleeping at around 11pm so i sleep about 7hours and still feel sleepy:( a lot of tests lately...guess i'll fail a lot... i never study recently... 1/7 got into the finals for national day cheer?! unexpected that we got in. stained my class tee yesterdayT.T with chocolate stains... wednesday conduct the chemistry group heat until the solution decomposeOo wait, i still dont get what i am suppose to do for the mooncake festival.write proposal?errr... tags replies! JOVINA:hahas,u stay happy too!guess i shdnt haix and emo so often... Acorns:guess i havr got over it...thanks!smiles:) dave:hey!np,thanks for tagging me too! ym:thanks!u too yeah? bl4ck 4ng3l:miss ya loads too!meet up after term4?or sept? yueyue:thanks!u too take care ya?love you DEARLY!<33hahas... jovina,dave,yuenice,ym,huiwen&stitch:THANK YOU!:D |