Tuesday, August 28, 2007
haha...blogging during english lesson-meant to finish the newsmaker project but out group finish le^^ found guzheng blog's url at last!^^ http://www.goldelic-guzheng.blogspot.com/ went blog jumping to the seniors' blog...and found this video... BE AMAZED she's 10,china girl, and the song she is playing is a grade 10 song (gz got grade 10?! so whats the highest grade?) kk,cant find the video,pls plus, ms seto caught me in youtube...OO HEYS! bpps' ppl! friday teachers going on course,so dont expect the security guards open gates for us. You know how strict they are right?:( 6I diots' penguins!: and i dont really see the point of returning other than meeting our chinese teachers and maybe cca teachers.(sad lah,our lower pri teachers probably left school le) OH GREAT i waited 45 minutes just to board a bus?! squeezed like sardines in the 2nd bus?! took me about 1h30min just to reach home?! But then, found some solutions... -walk to central instead(Exercise is good for health!) -board any bus that comes by! And, i realised ALL buses got go certain bus stops.(knowing the routes each bus take is VERY USEFUL) -flag taxi haix... does life have to be like this? you think i dont want go home and sleep? why must i be lectured for no reason? |