A bee is attracted to a prettiest flower;
A girl is attracted to a sweetest boy;
I am attracted to the heartless you.

Friday, July 25, 2008

depressed sky; the sun fades away and darkness fill the empty gaps
another week, gone.
my grades are dropping even more drastically. im falling below expectations, im making everyone disappointed. why cant i not make them worry for me?
im daydreaming more in class. i duno why but i cant stop it, its like controlling me instead. damn. it means my results will be affected. means i might be on medication. and the whole world worrys even more. am i a
and my life is screwed la. what on earth were you doing when the teacher said this exercise got homework?! you arent deaf, you only dint bother to respect the teacher and do her homework. please la, you think doing homework outside very shuang meh. where's your sense of shame?
the look on his face, the disappointment that it reviews, the hurt in his heart, the tears inside.
you are just degrading yourself, telling the world that im becoming a lousier and useless person day by day.
the word she kept using, 'grum'. i dun even know the reason but its bad la. aye, you want to be the 1st student to make history and bring down her reputation of failing. very nice meh.FAIL.

its sucks even more that i...

poning dance again on sunday i guess, nephew's party. waa, just when i was so interested to show him that im not a lagger.

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