A bee is attracted to a prettiest flower;
A girl is attracted to a sweetest boy;
I am attracted to the heartless you.

Monday, March 01, 2010

Q: what test to test for presence of hydrogen?
my ans: use LIGHT splint blahblah.

note to self: read your answers before moving on.

msn didn't like me today, so had to use ebuddy instead.
i was supposed to type ebuddy.com but duno why i typed imeem.com
imeem bought me to some page i didn't see before
then i went back and typed imeem.com again.
after ending up on the same page i finally realised what was happening.
funny how i keep becoming very gong, since last week.

evelyn came back today!
on the bus we kept talking non stop, until she alighted i wondered why the bus ride felt so short.):
tam tam!
it was my favourite after school snack in primary school
always ate it on the school bus even though i had to eat lunch later.
eating it now just bring back memories.
my friends and i used to jump when the driver drives over a hump.
the thrill of jumping till so high is, silly but fun.

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